Category Archives: science quizzes for kids

Fun Protists Quiz for Kids

Protists are one-celled organisms that feed on bacteria, dead matter and even other protists. Some use flagella, which are whip like threads, to push themselves around. Most of these one-celled organisms live in wet places, such as oceans,lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Discover more here:

protists for kids

Test your kids on how well they know these one-celled organisms, click here.

Interactive and Fun Cappadocia Quiz for Kids

cappadocia for kids

Cappadocia is near the city of Nevşehir in southeast of Ankara, the capital of Turkey. You can see here Hundreds of volcanic rock formations look like fairy houses. People have lived in Cappadocia for thousands of years. Greeks and Romans invaded this country, but the Cappadocians survived. Many were early Christians who spread the gospel.

Let’s see how well you know what Cappadocia is. Go here:

For more information, visit Wikipedia.

Jacques Cartier Fun Science Quiz for Kids

Jacques Cartier was born in France in 1491. He made several voyages to South America, and in particular, Brazil. The king of France, King Francis I, sent him to explore the northern parts of North America, in which, he discovered Canada. On Cartier’s first trip, he sailed up the St. Lawrence River to what is now Quebec. Give your kids this free science interactive quiz to test how well they know Jacques Cartier, go here.


Interactive Science Quiz on Seasons for Kids

A season is a division of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology, and hours of daylight. Seasons result from the yearly revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth’s axis relative to the plane of revolution.

Check how well your kids know about Seasons by letting them answer this online interactive quiz here:

seasons for kids

You can read more facts on Seasons here.

Fun Geckos Online Quiz for Kids

Geckos are cool-looking little lizards that live in hot places. They live mostly in deserts, rainforests and jungles. Geckos can be as small as 1 inch or as large as 1 foot long. Their tails are fat. Geckos store food in their tails.

Do your kids really know what Geckos are? Are they ready to take a test about it? To test how well your kids know Geckos. Let them take this free online interactive quiz here.

gecko for kids